中文名: 人件 原名: PeopleWare: Productive Projects and Teams (Second Edition) 作者: Tom DeMarco Timothy Lister资源格式: PDF 版本: 文字版 出版社: Dorset House Publishing Company书号: 978-0932633439发行时间: 1999年02月01日 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 简介: 内容简介: 《人件》第1版于 1987 年出版,专门讨论了软件开发和维护团队的管理问题,并向人们的传统认识提出了挑战。作者在书中推崇人本管理思想,正确指出知识型企业的核心是人,而不是技术,呼吁给予软件工作者充分的自由和信任。本书推出后,立即在西方引起了轰动,被誉为“几十年来对美国软件业影响最大的理念”。与《人月神话》一样,《人件》现已成为软件团队管理的经典之作。它和《人月神话》共同被誉为软件图书中“两朵最鲜艳的奇葩”。人们认为,《人月神话》关注“软件开发”本身,《人件》则关注软件开发中的“人”,因此,在成千上万的书架上,《人件》永远和《人月神话》并列在一起。 目录: Acknowledgments ix Preface to the Second Edition xi Preface to the First Edition xiiii PARTI: MANAGING THE HUMAN RESOURCE 1 1. Somewhere Today, a Project Is Failing 3 2. Make a Cheeseburger, Sell a Cheeseburger 7 3. Vienna Waits for You 13 4. Quality—If Time Permits 19 5. Parkinson's Law Revisited 24 6. Laetrile 30 PART II: THE OFFICE ENVIRONMENT 35 7. The Furniture Police 37 8. "You Never Get Anything Done Around Here Between 9 and 5" 42 9. Saving Money on Space 51 Intermezzo: Productivity Measurement and Unidentified Flying Objects 58 10. Brain Time Versus Body Time 62 11. The Telephone 69 12. Bring Back the Door 75 13. Taking Umbrella Steps 81 PART III: THE RIGHT PEOPLE 93 14. The Hornblower Factor 95 15. Hiring a Juggler 100 16. Happy to Be Here 105 17. The Self-Healing System 113 PART IV: GROWING PRODUCTIVE TEAMS 121 18. The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of the Parts 123 19. The Black Team 129 20. Teamicide 132 21. A Spaghetti Dinner 140 22. Open Kimono 143 23. Chemistry for Team Formation 150 PART V: IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE FUN TO WORK HERE 157 24. Chaos and Order 159 25. Free Electrons 167 26. HolgarDansk 171 PART VI: SON OF PEOPLEWARE 175 27. Teamicide Revisited 177 28. Competition 181 29. Process Improvement Programs 186 30. Making Change Possible 194 31. Human Capital 202 32. Organizational Learning 209 33. The Ultimate Management Sin Is ... 215 34. The Making of Community 222 Notes 227 Bibliography 233 Index 239 About the Authors 248