NDBC Processing Display and Observation
Gerenciador de display vnc脚本para gerenciameto de display vnc源码
Gerenciador-de-display-vnc 显示vnc的脚本 Lista,cria e mata显示VNC。 默认配置为480x720像素,默认为5901 e janens janens F
4 2021-02-24 -
Observation of intermolecular doublequantum coherence signal dips in nuclear mag
15 2020-05-28 -
Observation of Geometric Phases for ThreeLevel Systems using NMR Interferometry
10 2020-05-19 -
The Tower Layer Meteorological Elements Observation Analysis of An Advection Fog
The Tower Layer Meteorological Elements Observation Analysis of An Advection Fog,吴彬贵,Zhang Hongsheng
7 2020-07-17 -
Observation of high Q optomechanical modes in the mounted silica microspheres
An efficient method to mount a coupled silica microsphere and tapered fiber system is proposed and d
7 2021-03-23 -
Dynamic dehydration observation based on terahertz in line digital holography
Dynamic dehydration observation based on terahertz in-line digital holography
11 2021-02-27 -
Experimental observation of effective gravity and two time physics in ferrofluid
Recently, it was predicted that extraordinary light waves in hyperbolic metamaterials may exhibit tw
12 2021-03-01 -
Experimental observation of light refraction going from negative to positive in
Experimental observation of light refraction going from negative to positive in the visible region a
13 2021-03-01 -
Observation of spectral modulation coupled with broadband transverse mode lockin
A frequency-degenerate cavity (FDC) is the resonator that the ratio of transverse and longitudinal m
13 2021-03-01 -
Observation of reflectionless absorption due to spatial Kramers–Kronig profile
Observation of reflectionless absorption due to spatial Kramers–Kronig profile
3 2021-04-08