PhantOm V1.25 修正 [PhantOm plugin 1.25 ] by Hellsp @ wn & Archer / / spring aggravation: / / IHA! PEOPLE WITH ALL DAY! SPRING WALKS! BEER begins! GULYAYTE DEVUSHKAMI X! / / ZHIVITE FULL LIFE! | Privety fly to: | Bronco, kioresk, RSI, lord_Phoenix, HoBleen, Grim Fandango, | Guru.eXe, vad8787, PE_Kill. ————————————————– ————————— The plug to hide OllyDbg (with driver). Helps detection of the following methods: / / driver - extremehide.sys [+] NtQueryInformationProcess. [+] SetUnhandledExceptionFilter. [+] OpenProcess. [+] Invalid Handle. [+] NtSetInformationThread. [+] RDTSC. [+] NtYieldExecution. [+] NtQueryObject. [+] NtQuerySystemInformation. [+] Windows hide. [+] GetProcessTimes. [+] NtSetContextThread. / / plug - PhantOm.dll [+] PEB BeingDebugged. [+] PEB NtGlobalFlag. [+] GetStartupInfo. [+] Process Heaps. [+] GetTickCount. [!] Protect DRx. [!] Hide DRx. [!] Fake Windows version. [!] Custom Handler. [+] BlockInput What’s New - 1.25 You may now ask the very name services HIDENAME and RDTSCNAME. Some minor bugs. Fixed bug with memory breakpoints. What’s New - 1.20 Added own processing exceptions (C0000005). Added the title change of the main window. Added own processing exceptions (OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_EVENT). int 3 at EP correctly removed if the stop at the point of the system failed. Added BlockInput interception. (WinXP only) Added own processing exceptions (C0000094). Added hide from GetStartupInfo. Fixed bug with the settings plug. Added protection from detection drivers. What’s New - 1.15 Several bugs. What’s New - 1.10 hook GetProcessTimes - moved to the driver. hook NtSetContextThread - moved to the driver. The bug and removing the “EP break.” Several bugs related to downloading options. In ini added “DELTARDTSC which will regulate the spread RDTSC. What’s New - 1.04 Fixed bsod while loading drivers. What’s New - 1.03 Fixed bug with windows. What’s New - 1.01 Fixed bug in the driver. What’s New - 1.00 Added protection Oll