Verifika is a software tool that helps to locate and resolve formal errors in bilingual translation files and translation memories. It detects formatting, consistency, terminology and spelling errors in the target language. All detected errors are included in a report which allows to conveniently correct them with no external software tool (such as TagEditor) required. Verifika features an internal editor for reviewing and amending translations. For many error types, Verifika also offers an auto-correction feature. Its powerful search feature allows you to perform further corrections if necessary. Verifika supports the following bilingual file format(s): SDL Trados® TRADOStag Documents (.ttx) SDL XLIFF (.sdlxliff) memoQ (.xlf, .mqxliff, .mqxlz) Other XLIFF variants are also supported TMX 1.4b (older formats are also supported, but we do recommend to use 1.4b) WordFast TXML (.txml) Idiom and LionBridge XLZ and XLIFF Bilingual MS Word files (Trados, WordFast, LionBridge) (read-only, you will have to correct segments in MS Word) Terminology lists in Excel (.xls, .xlsx)