论文研究 Face Recognition based on Simplified CNN and Median Pooling.pdf
Facenet 训练LFW数据的权重文件
28 2020-08-12 -
A scene recognition method using sparse features with layout sensitive pooling a
A scene recognition method using sparse features with layout-sensitive pooling and extreme learning
11 2021-02-08 -
论文研究Player Identification Based on Jersey Number Recognition In Sports Video.pd
11 2020-07-18 -
A face recognition method based on the fusion of wavelet transform and K2D2PCA
A face recognition method based on the fusion of wavelet transform and K(2D)2PCA
15 2021-03-06 -
论文ArcFace Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition翻译
使用特征学习的主要挑战之一深度卷积神经网络(DCNN)用于大规模人脸识别是适度损失的设计可以增强判别力的功能。中央损失会惩罚深层特征之间的距离他们相应的班级中心在欧几里得空间实现类内的紧凑性。 Sph
28 2020-07-19 -
论文研究A Simplified Parallel Decoding Scheme for Turbo Codes.pdf
27 2019-09-05 -
An Asian Face Dataset and How Race Influences Face Recognition_V2_edit.pdf
AnAsianFaceDatasetandHowRaceInfluencesFace Recognition.DeepLearningFacialRecognitionSchemeMayGiveBe
28 2020-05-14 -
An Approximate Message Passing Algorithm for robust face recognition.pdf
28 2019-06-04 -
3D Face Modeling Analysis and Recognition.pdf
35 2019-07-06 -
Video based event recognition
We present a new representation and recognition method for human activities. An activity is consider
32 2021-04-16