Measuring Aerosol Single Scatterng Albedo with Combined Hyspar andHSRL
Scanning interferometric method for measuring group delay of dispersive mirrors
A scanning white-light interferometer is built for precisely measuring phase properties of dispersiv
10 2021-02-21 -
High precision method for measuring the photothermal properties of transparent m
Quantitative phase microscopy by digital holography provides direct access to the phase profile of a
13 2021-02-10 -
A Novel Method for Measuring Photo Induced Birefringence of Photosensitive Fiber
In this paper, we report a novel method for accurately measuring the photo-induced birefringence of
10 2021-02-10 -
Measuring method for the vertex radius of curvature of an asphere with a laser t
Aspheric elements are widely applied in optical systems and the vertex radius of curvature (VROC) is
18 2021-02-09 -
Measuring Similarity of Chinese Commodity Comments in E Commerce Websites
Measuring Similarity of Chinese Commodity Comments in E-Commerce Websites
8 2021-02-07 -
Simultaneously measuring ocular aberration and anterior segment biometry during
In the human eye, accommodation is essential for functional vision. However, the mechanisms regulati
8 2021-01-31 -
萨尔贝克 Python土壤ALBEdo计算器作者:Jerzy Cierniewski(概念)和jarosławJasiewicz(编程)版权所有:波兹南的Adam Mickiewicz大学和作者许可证
5 2021-02-21 -
Machine Learning Model for the Planetary Albedo任务1的解决方案源码
行星反照率的机器学习模型 任务1的解决方案 在Jupyter Lab中创建,Python --version-- 3.8.5 图书馆使用的是pandas,numpy,matplotlib.pyplot
4 2021-04-06 -
Single-Sensor Camera Image Processing Chapter 16
48 2019-02-17 -
概要 单例模式是最简单的设计模式之一,但是对于Java的开发者来说,它却有很多缺陷。在本月的专栏中,David Geary探讨了单例模式以及在面对多线程(multithreading)、类装载器(cl
67 2019-03-11