很好的JavaScript入门书,强烈推荐,源码可以在这个网址下载http://www.codingjsfordummies.com/code/?C=N;O=A This book is a friendly and approachable guide to getting started with writing JavaScript code. As programming languages go, JavaScript is fairly easy to pick up and start using. Because it’s so accessible, many people who started as web page authors have found themselves in the position of being responsible for maintaining, modifying, and writing JavaScript code. If that describes you, this book will quickly and easily bring you up to speed. Whether you know a little JavaScript or you’ve never seen it, this book shows you how to write JavaScript the right way. Topics covered in this book include the following: ✓✓Understanding the basic structures of JavaScript programs ✓✓Integrating JavaScript with HTML5 and CSS3 ✓✓Structuring your programs with functions ✓✓Working with JavaScript Objects✓✓Using advanced JavaScript techniques, such as AJAX, callbacks, and closures ✓✓Getting started with jQuery