Vortex Plasma Themes:等离子桌面的Vortex主题 源码
小种群的保护是保护生物学中一个重要的问题, 基本上 所有濒危的动植物都是小种群。因为小种群的种群数量小, 其自身数量变化的统计学随机性较大, 而且更容易受到环境 波动、灾害、遗传漂变和近交衰退的影响,
39 2019-02-22 -
28 2019-05-03 -
Evolution behavior of Gaussian Schell model vortex beams propagating through oce
Evolution behavior of Gaussian Schell-model vortex beams propagating through oceanic turbulence
8 2021-04-19 -
Study on the generation of a vortex laser beam by using phase only liquid crysta
Study on the generation of a vortex laser beam by using phase-only liquid crystal spatial light modu
16 2021-04-07 -
Scattering of a high order Bessel vortex beam by typical composite particles wit
Scattering of a high-order Bessel vortex beam by typical composite particles with an inclusion
19 2021-02-26 -
Linear and angular momenta in tightly focused vortex segmented beams of light I
We investigate the linear momentum density of light, which can be decomposed into spin and orbital p
25 2021-02-26 -
Generation of elliptic perfect optical vortex and elliptic perfect vector beam b
We propose a method for generating an elliptic perfect vector beam (EPVB) by modulating the dynamic
16 2021-03-11 -
Changes in orbital angular momentum modes of a propagated vortex Gaussian beam t
Changes in orbital-angular-momentum modes of a propagated vortex Gaussian beam through weak-to-stron
9 2021-03-11 -
Vortex 基于HTML5 Canvas的通信交互演示
漩涡项目是一个基于HTML5画布的通信概念演示,探索标准承载者/接收者(如:SMS/John Doe)模式的替代通信方法。在此项目中,接收者可以发布个性化的互动体验,其他用户则可访问并利用该体验进行交
0 2024-10-26 -
script extender installer Vortex扩展可安装和更新脚本扩展程序源码
5 2021-04-25