The brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text!!! Visual learners retain information quite differently in comparison to their left brained counterparts enabling them to benefit more from different approaches. This Book will visualize Python like never before and I can't wait for you to try it. Table of Contents Thank You! Credits & Legal About this book Why Python? Installation Hello World! Terminal way Scripting Way Variables Data types Basic Math Operators precedence String operations Slicing Concatenation Comments Multi-line Comments Functions Basic functions Functions with parameters Default values Return values If/Else and conditional statements Boolean expressions Alternative branches Classes and objects Collections Tuples Lists Dictionaries Loops While Loops File operations Exceptions Custom exceptions Import statement and Python modules and packages Import statement File operations using os module File operations using os module Regular Expressions Regular Expressions Math module JSON SQL: sqlite3 Python sqlite3 sqlite3 3rd party packages Web Development with Flask Hello World Files and Directories Image Processing Directory cleanup