反馈控制系统概周期输出的模 ,袁荣,,The present paper is concerned with the module containment of almost periodic out
Output-Feedback Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems With Input-Output-Dependent Lower-Triangular G
Dynamic output-feedback Passivity Control for FuzzySystems Under Variable Sampling
Neural adaptive dynamic surface control for uncertain strict-feedback nonlinear systems with nonline
Cooperative control of multi-agent system based on two-delay feedback
Adaptive fuzzy output-feedback tracking control for a class of switched stochastic nonlinear time-de
Adaptive Dynamic Feedback Tracking Control for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots with Unknown Parameters
Fuzzy-approximation-based global adaptive control for uncertain strict-feedback systems with a prior
In this paper, an adaptive dynamic surface control is proposed for a class of interconnected nonline
Implementable Adaptive Inverse Control of Hysteretic Systems via Output Feedback, with Application t