elasticsearch py 6.3.1.pdf

kxn30287 10 0 PDF 2021-04-26 15:04:34

elasticsearch-py uses persistent connections inside of individual connection pools (one per each configured or sniffednode). Outoftheboxyoucanchoosebetweentwo http protocolimplementations. SeeTransportclassesfor more information. The transport layer will create an instance of the selected connection class per node and keep track of the health of individual nodes - if a node becomes unresponsive (throwing exceptions while connecting to it) it’s put on a timeout by the ConnectionPool class and only returned to the circulation after the timeout is over (or when no live nodes are left). By default nodes are randomized before being passed into the pool and round-robin strategy is used for load balancing. You can customize this behavior by passing parameters to the Connection Layer API (all keyword arguments to the Elasticsearch class will be passed through). If what you want to accomplish is not supported you should be able to create a subclass of the relevant component and pass it in as a parameter to be used instead of the default implementation.

elasticsearch py 6.3.1.pdf
