The spin Hall effect of light (SHEL) is a photonic version of the spin Hall effect in electronic sys
与非标准量子群对应的弱 Hopf 代数,程诚,杨士林,根据非标准量子群 $X_q(A_1)$交换关系等,对其Hopf 代数结构中的对极进行弱化,构造了与非标准量子群 $X_q(A_1)$ 相对应的弱
Weak {2}-domination number of Cartesian products of cycles
Overcoming Weak Expectations via the Renyi Entropy and the Expanded Computational Entropy
Enhancing the Precision of Phase Estimation by Weak Measurement and Quantum Measurement Reversal in
弱磁场下的Josephson结阵列的脱钉和蠕动,刘焕,周硙,利用电阻分流结动力学,我们数值研究在弱磁场下二维Josephson结阵列的脱钉相变和热激活蠕动.不论有没有无序,都有连续的脱钉相变. 通过�
We show that weak measurements can be used to measure the tiny signature of topological phase transi
Under the approximations of (1) the received irradiance fluctuations of an optical wave caused by sm
Enhancement of parameter-estimation precision by weak measurement and quantum measurement reversal u