""" Change History Version -zhanggh *新增报表格式 *添加饼状图显示百分比 *新增判断成功、错误、失败、所有、概要独立显示 *预留最近10天结果存储方法 Version -Findyou * 支持中文,汉化 * 调整样式,美化(需要连入网络,使用的百度的Bootstrap.js) * 增加 通过分类显示、测试人员、通过率的展示 * 优化“详细”与“收起”状态的变换 * 增加返回顶部的锚点 Version 0.8.2 * Show output inline instead of popup window (Viorel Lupu). Version in 0.8.1 * Validated XHTML (Wolfgang Borgert). * Added description of test classes and test cases. Version in 0.8.0 * Define Template_mixin class for customization. * Workaround a IE 6 bug that it does not treat [removed] block as CDATA. Version in 0.7.1 * Back port to Python 2.3 (Frank Horowitz). * Fix missing scroll bars in detail log (Podi). """