gtk windows mfc class api #include #include int main() { int i ,gdriver,gmode , size; void *buf; gdriver=DETECT; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode) ; // init graph system setbkcolor(BLUE); //set back color setlinestyle(0,0,1); //set line style setfillstyle(1,10); //set fill style circle(100,200,30); // pain a circle on the screen floodfill(100,200,12); //fill the , black to be a circle size=imagesize(69,131,231); buf=malloc(size); //allocation memory that get from the imagesize function getimage(69,169,131,231,buf); //to save the buffer of graph to the buf putimage(500,269,buf,COPY_PUT); // put the buffer to show out for(i=0;i