Controllability of multi-agent systems with directed and weighted signed networks
Stabilizability andDetectability of Multi-rate Networked Control Systems with Short Time Delay
Privacy-Preserving Multi-party Aggregate Signcryption for Heterogeneous Systems
Optimal decision of multi-inconsistent information systems based on information fusion
Citation: S. Mirjalili, P. Jangir, S. Z. Mirjalili, S. Saremi, and I. N. Trivedi. Optimization of pr
Portfolio management is an important technology for reasonable investment, fund management, optimal
Western Michigan Uni研究生课程教材,multi-core computing,
A novel fabrication method of multi-core photonic crystal fibers is proposed on the basis of a fiber
Multi-core parallel robust structuredmultifrontal factorization method for large discretized PDEs
Considering the complicated interactions among repairmen and spare parts in multi-level repair netwo