雪花 crx插件
让你的当前网页飘雪花 与此内容的脚本,所有的页面将显示下降雪花。 斯科特还感谢他的暴风雪席勒代码 - http://schillmania.com 注意: - 当你卸载此扩展,也重新启动你的浏览器 (当时它的完全消失) - 正常,您可以看到所有网站的,但一些网站阻止此,(或者不能看到它的伟大,比如他们使用白色背景) - 我的图标创建自我 更新日志: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dfjh722z_78g8j2q7xg Changelog: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dfjh722z_78g8j2q7xg Learn more about the project: https://www.stefanvd.net Required Permissions: "tabs": This is needed for the following features: to show you the welcome page, and run the background script. <<>> This is a background script, so it will be injected to all website you are watching. To disable or remove this extension follow the steps below: 1. go to chrome://extensions/ 2. search in the list for the extension "Snow" 3. click the uninstall (or disable) link 4. remove your cache file (temp/cookies) 5. restart the browser 支持语言:English,Nederlands,中文 (简体),中文 (繁體)