将云技术引进企业协作《Collaboration in the Cloud》
Collaboration Cloud是按需建造的网络,旨在公司内部和公司之间提供高质量、高安全性和可靠的协作体验。这本书为任何一位有兴趣在IT战略、趋势,业务和技术上进行创新的读者服务。这本书将会显示如何利用云技术协作创造商业价值。 Improving Collaboration between people and between organizations is no longer optional if you want to survive in today s hyper connected business world. Speed of change, unpredictability and the increasingly social nature of the marketplace make collaboration instrumental to your company s ability to differentiate. New ways of collaboration are starting to take place within your company, across value chains and in the individual social domain of your employees. At the same time, new architecture and delivery models are bringing many new collaborative tools within reach of every person in your organization, with or without your knowledge or control. The use of personal email is one example we have learned to address, but how do you respond to personal workspaces, document sharing or instant messaging? Or even better: how does your business benefit from them? On the technology side, a volatile mix of acronyms like SOA Service Oriented Architecture, SaaS Software as a Service and Web2.0 is brewing that is drastically changing our view on the role and value of Information Technology. If left to chance there is little hope for success: you need a strategy. The new business world that is starting to show all around us is driven by autonomous, bottom up organizations where innovation and collaboration are part of the culture. In Value Chain 2.0, it is about quickly establishing combinations that offer value to the marketplace. It is about crossing boundaries and taking the full benefits from Cloud Computing and anything available As A Service, from platform to complete business solution. Contents 1 Clouds and Collaboration 2 The Impact of Technological Revolutions 3 The New Nature of the Firm 4 On Productivity 5 The Anatomy of Collaboration 6 Groundwork for a New Organization 7 Mixing Software + Services 8 Social Computing for Business 9 Fourteen
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