
jiangwei36483_36483_36483 20 0 ZIP 2021-05-11 02:05:32

具体提示功能的文字输入框TextField,源码MBContactPicker,效果有点类似IOS7的邮箱输入的功能的,可以实现根据提示来补充的功能的,也很类似电子邮件中地址输入框的效果。根据输入的文字出现提示内容,输入的完整名字形成一个token等。 MBContactPicker is an implementation of a contact picker that looks like the one in Apple mail for iOS7. This can be dropped into any project, using interface builder and a few simple lines of code, you can have this custom contact picker into your app in very little time. I wrote this library to provide an update to the awesome THContactPicker that our company used in the past. My main goal when I created this library was to build something that behaved and felt like the native mail app is contact selector. My secondary goal was to make using it extremely simple while still providing a high level of flexibility for projects that need it.
