如有的话请先卸载,再将注册表中Oracle项删除。b. Open oraparam.ini and make the following modifications (Assuming CD * Change the "SOURCE=" line to use the full path to the CD instead of a * Change the "JRE_LOCATION" line to use the full path to the CD instead of a * Change the "OUI_LOCATION" line to use the full path to the CD instead of a * Change the "JRE_MEMORY_OPTIONS" line to add "-nojit" as the first argument. c. Launch setup.exe from the temporary location on your hard drive (i.e. Choose a Custom install and choose not to create a database during the The Net8 Configuration Assistant will still be launched, and there is no way To kill NetCA if it hangs during installation: After killing the configuration tools and continuing through the installation Once installation is complete, each of the following files in the ORACLE_HOME assistants\dbca\dbassist.cl Edit the contents of the above files to add "-nojit" as shown below: 方法三: