当某个数据库用户在数据库中插入、更新、删除一个表的数据,或者增加一个表的主键时或者表的索引时,常常会出现ora-00054:resource busy and acquire with nowait specified这样的错误。主要是因为有事务正在执行,所有导致执行不成功。如:testuser 339 13545 2009-3-5 17:40:05查出来的sql,如: begin :id := sys.dbms_transaction.local_transaction_id; end;alter system kill session '339,13545';如增加表的主键:若提示:ORA-00030: User session ID does not exist后果不详ORA-00031: session marked for kill一些ORACLE中的进程被杀掉后,状态被置为"killed",但是锁定的资源很长时间不释放,有时实在没办法,只好重启数据库。现在提供一种方法解决这种问题,那就是在ORACLE中杀不掉的,在OS一级再杀。1)在unix上,用root身份执行命令: ORA-00031: session marked for killCause: The session specified in an ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command cannot be killed immediately , but it has been marked for kill. This means it will be killed as soon as possible after its current uninterruptible operation is done.kill -9 12345

oracle ora-00054:resource busy and acquire with nowait specified解决方法

oracle ora-00054:resource busy and acquire with nowait specified解决方法