Matlab教程 MatLab Programming(英文

hopeless3172 14 0 rar 2022-06-26 19:06:48

Matlab教程 MatLab Programming(英文版教材)

MATLAB The Language of Technical CompuTIng

The most basic data structure in MATLAB® is the matrix: a two-dimensional, rectangularly shaped data structure capable of storing mulTIple elements of data in an easily accessible format. These data elements can be numbers, characters, logical states of true or false, or even other MATLAB structure types. MATLAB uses these two-dimensional matrices to store single numbers and linear series of numbers as well. In these cases, the dimensions are 1-by-1 and 1-by-n respecTIvely, where n is the length of the numeric series. MATLAB also supports data structures that have more than two dimensions. These data structures are referred to as arrays in the MATLAB documentaTIon.
