
Examination A on “Digital Signal Processing”

1. Let x(n)={3,7,-2,-1,5,-8},n=0:5;         [7]

(a). Determine the sequences x1(n)=x(n+2) and x2(n)=x(n-1)

(b). calculate y(n)=2x(n+2)+x(n-1)

(c). Write a MATLAB program to generate the sequence of (b).

2. Given sequence x(n)={4,3,2,0,2,3,4} with sample period Ts=0.1sec.        [15]

(a). Determine the expression X(ejω)= DTFT[x(n)], discuss the periodicity of X(ejω).

(b). Write a MATLAB program for plotting magnitude and angle response of X(ejω), where ω is evenly separated into 100 points between [0,π] radius. (You needn’t plot it)

(c). Guess and make comments on the property of its angle plot.

(d). Comment on the difference of amplitude and magnitude response. Give the function name in the textbook that can determine the amplitude response.