
This document describes the known excepTIons to the funcTIonal specificaTIons for the AM389x Sitara™

ARM® MPUs. The updates are applicable to the CYG package. For additional information, see the

AM389x Sitara ARM Microprocessors (MPUs) data manual (literature number SPRS681).

The advisory numbers in this document may not be sequential. Some advisory numbers may be moved to

the next revision and others may have been removed and documented in the device-specific data manual

or peripheral user's guide. When items are moved or deleted, the remaining numbers remain the same

and are not resequenced.

This document also contains Usage Notes. Usage Notes highlight and describe particular situations where

the device's behavior may not match presumed or documented behavior. This may include behaviors that

affect device performance or functional correctness. These notes will be incorporated into future

documentation updates for the device (such as the device-specific data manual), and the behaviors they

describe will not be altered in future device revisions.

AM389x Sitara ARM Microprocessors Errata

AM389x Sitara ARM Microprocessors Errata