An Interleaving PFC Pre-Regulator for High-Power Converters

In higher power applicaTIons, to fully uTIlize the line, power factor correcTIon (PFC) is a necessity.

Passive soluTIons were developed first, which required bulky inductors and capacitors. To reduce the

volume of these bulky solutions active PFC using a boost topology was developed. The active solutions

had higher power densities than the passive solutions. Interleaving PFC pre-regulators is the next step

in increasing PFC pre-regulator power densities, reducing the overall volume of the design.

Interleaving will reduce magnetic volume and has the added benefit of reducing RMS current in the

boost capacitor. This topic will evaluate the benefits of interleaving PFC pre-regulators.

An Interleaving PFC Pre-Regula

An Interleaving PFC Pre-Regula