The TVP9900 ATSC Demodulator supports the recepTIon of DTV broadcasts, including

high-definiTIon TV (HDTV), in North America. The device supports all standard ATSC

over-the-air and cable transmissions. The standalone demodulator is compaTIble with

standard ATSC tuners and a wide range of DTV video processors from TI and other

suppliers. Figure 1 shows the major components and connections of a DTV receiver

using the TVP9900.

TVP9900 performance meets or exceeds the American Television Standards

Committee’s (ATSC’s) A/74 recommendations, helping to simplify receiver design while

ensuring high-quality imaging. Signal equalization covers the echo profile required by

A/74 guidelines, and multipath and burst noise impairment performance demodulates

all Brazil ensembles—among the industry’s most demanding tests of multi-path performance—

for improved signal reception over a greater transmission range. Figure 2

on the following page shows how dramatically the TVP9900’s multi-path performance

(top line) exceeds the A/74 requirements, ensuring high picture quality for the user.

With its high level of system integration, the demodulator saves DTV manufacturers

a significant amount, up to 20 percent, in the bill of materials for the receiver.

TVP9900 ATSC Demodulator and S

TVP9900 ATSC Demodulator and S