The OPA330 series of CMOS operaTIonal amplifiers offer precision performance at a very compeTITIve price. These devices are members of the Zerø-Drift family of amplifiers which use a proprietary auto-calibraTIon technique to simultaneously provide low offset voltage (50µV max) and near-zero drift over time and temperature at only 35µA (max) of quiescent current. The OPA330 family features rail-to-rail input and output in addition to near flat 1/f noise, making this amplifier ideal for many applications and much easier to design into a system. These devices are optimized for low-voltage operation as low as +1.8V (±0.9V) and up to +5.5V (±2.75V).

The OPA330 (single version) is available in the WCSP-5, SC70-5, SOT23-5, and SOIC-8 packages.

OPA330,OPA2330,OPA4330,pdf(50μV VOS, 0.25µV/°C, 35&m

OPA330,OPA2330,OPA4330,pdf(50μV VOS, 0.25µV/°C, 35&m