The SN75LVDT1422 Full Duplex Serializer/Deserializer incorporates a 14-bit serializer and a 14-bit deserializer. OperaTIon of the serializer is independent of the operaTIon of the deserializer. The 14-bit serializer accepts 14 TTL input lines and generates 2 LVDS high-speed serial streams plus one LVDS clock signal. The 14-bit deserializer accepts 3 LVDS input signals (2 high-speed serial streams and one LVDS clock signal) and drives out 14 TTL data signals plus one TTL clock.
The serializer loads 14 data bits into registers upon the rising or falling edge of the input clock signal (CLK IN). Rising or falling edge operaTIon can be selected via the R/F select pin for the transmitter only. The frequency of CLK IN is mulTIplied seven times and then used to unload the data registers in 7-bit slices.