
MulTIsim 2001是一个专业仿真软件,可真实地仿真分析实际电路的工作,是电子线路仿真的理想工具。介绍如何利用MulTIsim 2001对RLC串联谐振电路的特性进行仿真分析,给出了RLC串联电路达到谐振状态时端口电压、电流同相位的波形。

MulTIsim 2001 is a p rofessional simulaTIon software, it is an ideal tool to realize truthfully simulation analysis of the actual circuit, electronic circuit simulation. The paper introduces how to analyze characteristics of RLC series resonance circuits by Multisim 2001 Simulation, and gives the wave form holding voltage, the electric current same2phase when the RLC series cir2 cuit reaches resonance state.

