The TLK1102E is a versaTIle and flexible high-speed dual-channel equalizer for applicaTIons in digital high-speed links with data rates up to 11.3Gbps.
The TLK1102E can be configured in many ways through its two-wire serial interface, available through the SDA and the SCL pins, to opTImize its performance. The configurable parameters include the output de-emphasis settable from 0 to 7dB, the output differenTIal voltage swing settable from 225 to 1200mVp-p, the input equalization level settable for 0 to 20 meters of 24-AWG twinaxial cable, 0 to 40 inches of FR-4 PCB interconnect, or equivalent interconnect, the input filter bandwidth settable from 4.5 to 11GHz, and the LOS (loss of signal) assert voltage level.
Alternatively, the TLK1102E can be configured using its configuration pins in two modes selectable using the MODE pin.