The AD83241 is a low cost amplifier designed for coaxial line driving. The features and specificaTIons make the AD8324 ideally suited for DOCSIS 2.0 and Euro-DOCSIS applicaTIons. The gain of the AD8324 is digitally controlled. An 8-bit serial word determines the desired output gain over a 59 dB range, resulTIng in gain changes of 1 dB/LSB.
The AD8324 accepts a differenTIal or single-ended input signal. The output is specified for driving a 75 Ω load through a 1:1 transformer.
Distortion performance of –54 dBc is achieved with an output level up to 61 dBmV at 65 MHz bandwidth.
This device has a sleep mode function that reduces the quies-cent current to 30 μA and a full power-down function that reduces power-down current to 2.5 mA.
The AD8324 is packaged in a low cost 20-lead LFCSP package and a 20-lead QSOP package. The AD8324 operates from a single 3.3 V supply.