The ADV7181C is a high quality, single-chip, mulTIformat video decoder and graphics digiTIzer. This mulTIformat decoder supports the conversion of PAL, NTSC, and SECAM standards in the form of composite or S-Video into a digital ITU-R BT.656 format. The ADV7181C also supports the decoding of a com-ponent RGB/YPrPb video signal into a digital YCrCb or RGB DDR pixel output stream. The support for component video includes standards such as 525i, 625i, 525p, 625p, 720p, 1080i, and many other HD and SMPTE standards. Graphics digiTIzation is also supported by the ADV7181C; it is capable of digitizing RGB graphics signals from VGA to SXGA rates and converting them into a digital DDR RGB or YCrCb pixel output stream. SCART and overlay functionality are enabled by the ability of the ADV7181C to process simultaneously CVBS and standard definition RGB signals. The mixing of these signals is controlled by the fast blank pin.