建立在惯性原理基础上的惯性导航系统不需要任何外来信息,也不会向外辐射任何信息,仅靠惯性导航系统本身就能全在天候条件下在全球范围内和任何介质环境里自主地隐蔽地进行连续的三维定位和定向;但它也存在误差随时间积累的缺点。而GPS 导航系统能提供长时间的高精度定位;但存在1 HZ 慢速数据修正速率的缺陷。本文研究二者互补的组合导航系统,建立了组合导航的软件和硬件模型,并提出了基于卡尔曼滤波的导航实现算法。
关键词:GPS INS 组合导航 数据同步 卡尔曼滤波
Abstract: The navigation systems built on the principle of inertia on the basis of inertial do not require any external information, as well as any information not in a position to radiation alone inertial navigation system itself will be wholly under the weather conditions at the global level , and any independent media environment to covertly conduct continuous three-dimensional positioning and orientation, but it also exists flaw with the passage of time accumulated shortcomings. The GPS navigation system can provide long time precision positioning, but its existence 1HZ slow rate of data updating; the combination systems
more and more used in the navigation industry.
Key words: GPS INS Combined navigation Data synchronization