CM3602 is a highly integrated design for a distance detecTIon and ambient light sensing soluTIon. It incorporates a photodiode, amplifiers, and analog/digital circuits into a single chip by the CMOS process. CM3602 offers outstanding opTIcal precision by O-TrimTM packaged-level trim. O-TrimTM allows trimming to include other system variaTIons.
CM3602’s adoption of the Filtron™ technology allows the closest ambient light spectral sensitivity to real human eye responses. CM3602 has an excellent temperature compensation capability for keeping the output stable under various temperature configurations. The robust refresh rate setting does not need an external RC low pass filter. Shutdown mode is available as a power saving requirement. CM3602’s operation voltage ranges from 2.6 V to 3.6 V and can detect a wide range of ambient light power environments. The maximum detecting light strength is over 1 KLux.