CS5460 是一种电能检测单片集成Δ-Σ 功能ADC 芯片,具有串行接口方式,并内嵌有DSP 运算功能。将CS5460 应用到压实度检测当中,简便地实现振动的测量和传感器的标定,同时,降低了测控系统的数据运算、传输的负荷,提高了产品的性能。将器件应用到压实检测领域,拓展了该器件和MCS-51 单片机的应用范围,降低了系统成本,提高了工程机械的自动化程度。
关键词:CS5460 MCS51 单片机 压实度检测仪
Abstract:CS5460 is an Δ-Σ ADC IC, which is commonly used in the measurement of AC OR
DC electricity power . This IC is newly used in the testing of road base compression
degree in highway construction. The advantage of cs5460 is beyond the integration of
DSP functions, so much as its mode of serial interface, as the testing of vibration and the
calibration of sensor becomes very simple ,as to reducing the burden of transferring and
calculating of the dada, at the same time ,improve the performance of the instrument
developed .This case of application ,introducing the power test IC into the measurement
of YSD( compression degree of road base),provide us a new and cheap utility way of
MCS-51 series micro-controllers and that of CS5460 series IC.
keywords:CS5460 MCS51 Compactness Monitoring Instrument