XTR108 是一个完整的可编程的4~20 mA 两线制变送器芯片,其最大特点是允许用户

数字化调节增益、偏移及线性化校正系数等。用户通过主机上的软件界面,经基于单片机组成的标准串行数字接口部件,即可对模拟信号路径进行数字校零校满,对传感器的非线性误差可方便地进行数字化补偿。简要介绍了XTR108 芯片的特性、内部结构及其工作原理,对XTR108 在铂电阻温度变送器的应用及数字校正方法进行了介绍,并给出了软件设计流程图及用软件模拟SPI 总线时

序对XTR108 执行写操作的程序。

关键词:SPI 数字串行接口;二线制变送器;非易失性EEPROM存储器

Abstract :XTR108 is a complete programmable ,4 - 20mA ,two - wire current transmitter intergrated circuit . It al2 lows the user to digitally adjust the gain ,offset ,and linearity correction of the analog output to calibrate the sensor. Zero , span ,and linearization errors in the analog signal path can be calibrated via a standard digital serial interface based on mi2

crocontroller and through the virtual control panel on the PC. The sensor nonlinearity compensate is easy using digital tech2 nic. Introduces characteristic , structure and Theory of XTR108. and that application it is RTD Transmitters. And gives software design flow chart and program about SPI simulation timing using software what it is write to XTR108.

Key Words :SPI Digital Serial Interface ; Two - Wire Transmitter ;Non - Volatile EEPROM Store

