The OPA376 family represent a new generaTIon of low-noise operaTIonal amplifiers with e-trim, offering outstanding dc precision and ac performance. Rail-to-rail output, low offset (25µV max), low noise (7.5nV/√Hz), quiescent current of 950µA max, and a 5.5MHz bandwidth make this part very attracTIve for a variety of precision and portable applicaTIons. In addition, this device has a reasonably wide supply range with excellent PSRR, making it attractive for applications that run directly from batteries without regulation.

The OPA376 (single version) is available in MicroSIZE SC70-5, SOT23-5, and SO-8 packages. The OPA2376 (dual) is offered in the WCSP-8, MSOP-8, and SO-8 packages.

