The TL1451A incorporates on a single monolithic chip all the funcTIons required in the construcTIon of two pulse-width-modulaTIon (PWM) control circuits. Designed primarily for power-supply control, the TL1451A contains an on-chip 2.5-V regulator, two error amplifiers, an adjustable oscillator, two dead-TIme comparators, undervoltage lockout circuitry, and dual common-emitter output transistor circuits.

The uncommitted output transistors provide common-emitter output capability for each controller. The internal amplifiers exhibit a common-mode voltage range from 1.04 V to 1.45 V. The dead-time control (DTC) comparator has no offset unless externally altered and can provide 0% to 100% dead time. The on-chip oscillator can be operated by terminating RT and CT.

TL1451A,pdf(Dual Pulse-Width-M

TL1451A,pdf(Dual Pulse-Width-M