The PIC18F85J90family Rev.A5parts you havereceived conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet(DS39770B),except for the anomalies described below.Any Data Sheet Clarification issues related to the PIC18F85J90family appear in a separate Data Sheet errata.Please check the Microchip web site for any existing issues.PIC18F85J90FAMILYPIC18F85J90Family Rev.A5Silicon ErrataThe PIC18F85J90family Rev.A5parts you have2.Module:Timer1/3received conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet(DS39770B),except for the anomalies described When either Timer1orTimer3is in the8/16-Bitbelow.Any Data Sheet Clarification issues related toCounter mode(TxCON
(RD16)=0or1),the PIC18F85J90family appear in a separate Data incrementing the prescale value(TxCON<5:4>Sheet errata.Please check the Microchip web site for(TxCKPS<1:0>))will take an additional count atany existing issues.the previous value before the prescale value