The verificaTIon task of today’s mulTI-million gates

designs has become the primary bottleneck in the design

flow. Industry esTImates are that funcTIonal verification

takes approximately 70% of the total effort on a project.

Rising gate count combine with greater design complexity

has lead to much longer verification times. Time-to-market

schedules are much harder to meet while project costs

increase. According to a survey conducted by Collett

International Research Inc. in 2002 [9], 60% of all tapeouts,

that requires silicon re-spin, contained logic or functional

flaws. Among those faulty integrated circuits, 82% had

design errors. Incorrect or incomplete specifications,

corner cases simply not covered during verification or

changes in design specifications are a few causes of these


New verification techniques and methodologies are

required to cut verification time and improve the quality of

verification. Hopefully, hardware verification languages

(HVL) come to the rescue, raising the testbench at a higher

abstraction level. With specific verification syntax and

faster simulation speed, HVLs improve performance and

quality compared to RTL testbenches, thus reducing the

time spent in verification.

In this work we focus our efforts toward the

verification of digital signal processing (DSP) applications.

Most signal processing designs begin with algorithmic

modeling in the MATLAB and Simulink environment.

Therefore, we believe that hardware verification could be

significantly improved and accelerated by reusing these

high level golden references models.

