The SN75DP139 is a Dual-Mode DisplayPort input to TransiTIon-Minimized DifferenTIal Signaling (TMDS) output. The TMDS output has a built in level translator supporTIng Digital Video Interface (DVI) 1.0 and High DefiniTIon Multimedia Interface (HDMI) 1.3 standards. The SN75DP139 is specified up to a maximum data rate of 2.5Gbps, supporting resolutions greater then 1920x1200 or HDTV 12 bit color depth at 1080p (progressive scan). SN75DP139 is compliant with the HDMI 1.4a specifications and supports optional protocol enhancements such as 3D graphics at resolutions demanding a pixel rate up to 250MHz.
An integrated Active I2C buffer isolates the capacitive loading of the source system from that of the sink and interconnecting cable.