The bq2013H Gas Gauge IC is intended for battery-pack installaTIon to maintain an accurate record of a battery’s available charge. The IC monitors a voltage drop across a sense resistor connected in series between the negaTIve battery terminal and ground to determine charge and discharge acTIvity of the battery. The bq2013H is designed for high capacity battery packs used in high-discharge rate systems.

Battery self-discharge is esTImated based on an internal timer and temperature sensor. Compensations for battery temperature, rate of charge, and self-discharge are applied to the charge counter to provide available capacity information across a wide range of operating conditions. Initial battery capacity, self-discharge rate, display mode, and charge compensation are set using the PROG1-6 pins.

BQ2013H,pdf(Gas Gauge IC for P

BQ2013H,pdf(Gas Gauge IC for P