电荷泵转换器工作原理:This paper analyzes the charge pump circuit operaTIon principles. Useful formulas are derived based pracTIcal approximaTIons. Some characterisTIcs of charge pump converter are well explained by the derived formulas.
Charge pump converters have been widely used in modern electronic products. Comparing to conventional boost converters, charge pump converters feature several advantages including: 1.) less EMI emission due to inductorless design, 2.) less PCB area since only small MLCC capacitors are used, 3.) less expensive. Charge pump converters will keep dominating in industry for low power applications like white LED backlight in hand held devices.
However, charge pump converter is not well understood today. Aimtron and AIC analyze operation principles of charge pump converter in [1, 2]. The analysis is based on some impractical assumptions, and some errors occur during the derivation procedures. This paper analyzes the charge pump circuit operation principles. Useful formulas are derived based practical assumptions. Some characteristics of charge pump converter are well explained by the derived formulas.