电子信息和通信论文“木桶理论”与信息安全摘要:本文首先对传统木桶理论和其在信息安全中的运用作了简单的介绍,并结合作者在实际工作中对信息安全的理解,提出了对传统木桶理论几点思考,通过对几点思考的阐述,指出了在信息安全工作中如何更好地结合木桶理论。关键词:木桶理论信息安全运用Abstract:In the thesis paper,the author first gives a briefintroduction to the traditional cask theory and its application ininformation security.Then based on the under standing of informationsecurity in practical work,the author put forward several views and somethoughts on the traditional cask theory.In the end,the author points outthat how to apply the cask theory better in the information security workby illustrating the views which have mentioned before.Keywords:Cask theory information security apply引言说到木桶理论,可谓众所周知:一个由若干块长短不同的木板箍成的木桶,决定其容水量大小的并非是其中最长的那块木板或全部木板长度的平均值,而是取决于其中最短的那块木板。要想提高木桶的整体效应,不是增加最长的那块木板的长度,而