This book was intenTIonally written to be different from other filter design books

in two important ways. First, the most common analog and digital filter design and

implementaTIon methods are covered in a no-nonsense manner. All important

derivaTIons and descripTIons are provided to allow the reader to apply them

directly to his or her own filter design problem. Over forty examples are provided

to help illustrate the fundamentals of filter design. Not only are the details of

analog active and digital IIR and FIR filter design presented in an organized and

direct manner, but implementation issues are discussed to alert the reader to

potential pitfalls. An added feature to this text is the discussion of fast Fourier

transforms and how they can be used in filtering applications. The simulation of

analog filters is made easier by the generation of PSpice circuit description files

that include R-C component values calculated directly from the filter coefficients.

In addition, the testing of IIR and FIR filters designed for audio signals is

enhanced by providing sample sound files that can be filtered by using the digital

filter design coefficients. Anyone with a sound card on their computer can then

play the original and processed sound files for immediate evaluation.

The second difference between this book and others is that the text is

accompanied by WFilter, a fully functional, Windows®-based filter design

software package, and the source code on which it is based. The CD provides the

reader with the ability to install WFilter with a few simple clicks of the mouse,

and also supplies the reader with the well organized and clearly documented

source code detailing the intricacies of filter design. No, the source code provided

is not just a collection of fragmented functions, but rather a set of three organized

programs that have been developed (with the addition of an easy-to-use graphical

interface) into the organized structure of WFilter.

A basic knowledge of C programming is expected of the reader, but the code

presented in the text and the appendixes is thoroughly discussed and well

documented. The text does assume the reader is familiar with the fundamental

concepts of linear systems such as system transfer functions and frequency

response although no prior knowledge of filter design is needed.