The RCA CD54/74AC299 and CD54/74AC323 and the CD54/74ACT299 and CD54/74ACT323 are 3-state, 8-input universal shift/storage registers with common parallel I/O pins. These devices use the RCA ADVANCED CMOS technology. These registers have four synchronous-operaTIng modes controlled by the two select inputs as shown in the Mode Select (S0, S1) table. The Mode Select, the Serial Data (DSO, DS7), and the Parallel Data (I/O0 - I/O7) respond only to the LOW-TO-HIGH transiTIon of the clock (CP) pulse. S0, S1 and Data inputs must be present one setup TIme prior to the posiTIve transition of the clock.
With the CD54/74AC/ACT 299, the Master Reset (MR\) is an asynchronous active-LOW input. When MR\ is LOW, the register is cleared regardless of the status of all other inputs.