The SN74CBTU4411 is a high-bandwidth, SSTL_18 compaTIble FET mulTIplexer/demulTIplexer with low ON-state resistance (ron). The device uTIlizes an internal charge pump to elevate the gate voltage of the pass transistor, providing a low and flat ron. The low and flat ron allows for minimal propagation delay and supports rail-to-rail signaling on data input/output (I/O) ports. The device also features very low data I/O capacitance to minimize capacitive loading and signal distortion on the data bus. Matched ron and I/O capacitance among channels results in extremely low differential and rising/falling edge skew. This allows the device to show optimal performance in DDR-II applications.
The device is organized as an 11-bit 1-of-4 multiplexer/demultiplexer with a single switch-enable (EN)\ input.