The ML7041 is a single channel,low-voltage linear Codec targeTIng the digital handset market including CDMA and TDMA applicaTIons.The ML7041 sets a new standard for funcTIonality by incorporaTIng all major peripheral handset features, including speaker driver,tone generator, and voice detection circuits. The ML7041, a third generation Oki linear Codec, offers an improved feature set by incorporating a robust amplifier circuit capability on-chip to drive the latest cutting-edge, low-impedance dynamic speakers commonly used in handsets.
The ML7041 applies an Oki application-specific DSP architecture to improve the filtering performance and generate telephony tones. Applying an optimized DSP core on-chip allows sigma-delta post-equalization processing,which improves signal-to-noise while lowering power consumption.
The ML7041 design concept is based on an advanced Oki 0.45-um double-poly CMOS process providing sufficiently low transistor threshold voltages to allow 2.4-V operation to maximize a handset ’s battery life.
Oki ’s linear CODEC provides a flexible user interface for two microphone,one headset,two general-purpose inputs and a speaker output with on-chip adjustable gain control. The ML7041 will unburden the external,baseband DSP engine by generating all common telephony tones such as DTMF,side,and information tones. An added feature is the new integrated transmit voice detection scheme (VOX)which no longer requires firmware support on the CDMA chipset.