本文介绍了基于研华Adam5511 软PLC 的集散型锅炉微机控制系统,该系统已用于某高校供热锅炉系统的控制中。系统实现了供热锅炉的自动控制和燃烧优化控制,可显著提高锅炉热效率,减少污染。系统还通过企业内部网连接到了Internet上,实现了远程监控。
关键词:软PLC, 集散控制系统, 锅炉控制,
Internet. Abstract: A distributed boiler control system based on soft-PLC is designed in this paper. It is already used in the boiler control system belongs to a university. The system can monitoring and control boilers in real-time and optimize the combustion process of the boilers. It can increase the efficiency and decrease pollution of boilers significantly. The system is connected to Internet and can be monitored remotely.
Keywords: Soft-PLC, DCS, Boiler Control, Internet