PCI-X2.0Frequently Asked Questions PCI-X2.0Frequently Asked QuestionsQ1:How are PCI-Xversions1.0and2.0related to PCI?Are they the same?A1:PCI-X2.0is the next generation of PCI.It builds upon previous generations of PCI including the electricals,protocols,signals names andfunctions,connectors,etc.It also maintains backward compatibility with conventionalPCI.It is the next logical advance in the world’s most popular PC bus.There have been many generations of PCI,which all build upon each other.The PCI bus began with a32-bit/33MHz specification.Over time,to increaseperformance,64-bitand66MHz versions were introduced.To increase the bus speed andreduce latency PCI-X1.0wasdeveloped,with a maximum clock