The bq24707 is a high-efficiency, synchronous battery charger, offering low component count for space-constraint, mulTI-chemistry battery charging applicaTIons.

SMBus controlled input current, charge current, and charge voltage DACs allow for very high regulaTIon accuracies that can be easily programmed by the system power management micro-controller.

The bq24707 uses the internal input current register or external ILIM pin to throttle down PWM modulaTIon to reduce the charge current.

The bq24707 provides an IFAULT output to alarm if any MOSFET fault or input over current occurs. This alarm output allows users to turn off input power selectors when the fault occurs. Meanwhile, an independent comparator with internal reference is available to monitor input current, output current, or output voltage.

BQ24707,pdf(-4 Cell Li+ Batter

BQ24707,pdf(-4 Cell Li+ Batter